Jonathan & Deb Berger 8200 Lattasburg Rd. Wooster, Ohio 44691

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart

Always your local source of 100% Grassfed Beef & Amish raised Antibiotic & GMO Free Pork
Located near Wooster, in Northeast Ohio, Green Vista Farm provides 100% grassfed beef along with non GMO, antibiotic and ractopamine free pork throughout Ohio, including the local communities of Medina, Cleveland, Akron - Canton and South to the Columbus vicinity.
Naturally Good Food
$100 off
whole hog when you purchase a whole beef
half or whole hog when you purchase a half beef
$50 off
Save with Green Vista Farm when you order beef and pork together
In an effort to help keep our offerings available to you, our customers, and also help our local family farm pig growers, we have initiated what the big companies would call a "loyalty rewards program". If you purchase a portion of beef, we will apply a credit to you towards the cost of a like portion of hog (whole beef=$100 towards whole hog, half beef= $50 towards half or whole hog).
We know that food costs continue to rise, so hopefully this can play a small role assisting families that are seeking to include high quality animal protein in their diet.
The other endeavor we are pursuing is to bring a consistent price back to the small, sustainable farms which this program enables us to bring on board. These farmers are already caring for their animals in a manner Green Vista Farm considers extremely important. Our protocols prohibit the use of ractopamine (a central nervous system stimulant used to promote lean muscle growth) or subtherapeutic antibiotic use. We also mandate feeding entirely GMO free crops to their hogs. This helps to ensure they can realize a fair and consistent return for their good efforts.
We take orders all year long for beef and pork. Call if you would like more info. Jon's cell- 330-464-4358
(for some basic information on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) hover over the "Grassfed Beef" tab then click on the "Organic, non-GMO and other labeling terms" drop down page).